
Vanguard pale moon vs
Vanguard pale moon vs

vanguard pale moon vs

Match up tips, For this match up I suggest being as aggressive as possible. There are 2 triplasma because they help a little with field consistency and its nice to have a grade 1 that isn't super important to your deck to ride. We run 15 killers in the deck (Gatlingaro, Dinocrowd, Knightarmor, and Tyrannoquake) and 12 revivers (Chaoticbird, Iguanogorg, Tyrannobite) The purpose of this is to be able to consistently get power boosts and enable multi-attack chains as the revived cards come back standing. The deck is filled with cards that can retire your units and other cards to recall them to the battlefield. He is really useful for combo attack plays early and later in the game. The last non-commons in the deck are Ancient Dragon, Iguanogorg whose skill is to let you call it to rear if its put in the drop zone from rear. Next since we would prefer to not use Counter blast we will use perfect guards, I have chosen to use Archbird over Paraswall as it is slighlty cheaper Cost: 1.80 Mainly it will be used after you pressure your opponent to 5 damage with Tyrannoquake. This lets you easily do multi-attack chains provided you have the counterblast and soul. "If your unit is put in the drop-zone during the battle phase Counter Blast 1 and Soul Blast 1 and call it to an open rear.

vanguard pale moon vs

His legion skill is what makes him a great support for this deck. His non-legion skill is to get +3k when another unit is in the middle column, which can make hitting high numbers easy and allows him to attack well even unboosted. Cost: 3.60 Mate Cost: 0.60Īs a back up we run the legion above, Magmaarmor. This will be the main skill to activate through out the match as combo-ing it with the non-legion skill you can give +10k and a crit every turn. You can only activate this effect once per turn though. If he or his mate is retired during the battle phase you can give Tyrannoquake +5k and an extra critical. This is good for combo plays before getting legion as well as building up your dropzone to make legioning easier. His non-legion skill is to retire a rear-guard when he attacks and giving himself +5k. Our winning image is a swarm of attacks by using our army of reviving dinosaurs. This week we will be discussing the Tachikaze double legion deck with Tyrannoquake and Magmaarmor.

Vanguard pale moon vs